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Managing App States

FastUI uses Redux state management Redux Badge instead of React state management for a much more maintainable decoupling of React components.

When is React state management better

We recommend using React state management when the state is scoped in a single node in DOM tree, because in this case Redux as a global management would be an overkill and React state management would not suffer prop-drilling at all

The template has already been configured with 2 states

  1. a string variable named myState1
  2. a boolean variable called myState2
import { selectMyState1, setMyState1, setMyState2 } from "fast-ui-redux";

function MyComponent(): JSX.Element {
const myState1 = useAppSelector(selectMyState1);
const myState2 = useAppSelector(selectMyState2);


const dispatch = useAppDispatch();

export default App;