• A function that takes a selector function as its first argument. The selector function is responsible for selecting a part of the Redux store's state or computing derived data.

    Type Parameters

    • TState extends {
          app: AppState;
      } = {
          app: AppState;

      The specific type of state this hook operates on.

    • Selected = unknown

      The type of the value that the selector function will return.


    • selector: ((state) => Selected)

      A function that receives the current state and returns a part of the state or some derived data.

        • (state): Selected
        • Parameters

          • state: TState

          Returns Selected

    • Optional equalityFnOrOptions: EqualityFn<Selected> | UseSelectorOptions<Selected>

      An optional equality function or options object for customizing the behavior of the selector.

    Returns Selected

    The selected part of the state or derived data.

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